Programming C

Tasks studies - laboratory

Project maintained by dawidolko Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by dawidolko

Colloquium 0


Define the function int count_nonzeros(int* tab, int len), which returns the number of elements from the tab array that are not zero. The board is len long. (3p.)

Example call:

int data[10]={0.8,0.7,0.6,0.5,0.4};
printf("%d\n", count_zeros(date, 10));

Standard output: 5


Define the function float med(float a, float b, float c), which will return the middle value of its 3 parameters a, b, c. (2p.)

Example call:

float a=4.5, b=10.5, c=12.2;
printf("%f\n", med(a,b,c));

Standard output:


Task 3.

Write a program that reads one number n from the user and then prints stars on the console, forming a right triangle with sides of n stars. (3p.)

Sample input:


Standard output:
